Monday, September 01, 2008

Kenya Bank Rankings

Kenya’s banks assets and profits at June 30 2008, for the first half of the year
1. Barclays; assets Kshs. 166,702 million [$2.48 billion], (pre-tax profit of Kshs. 4,295 million [$64 million])
2. KCB; 160,230 (profit: 3,394)
3. Standard Chartered; 94,570 (2,321)
4. CFCStanbic; 78,948 (698)
5. Cooperative; 72,018 (1,664)
6. Equity; 70,102 (2,997)
7. Citibank Kenya; 59,495 (1,694)
8. Commercial Bank of Africa 44,035 (847)
9. National Bank of Kenya 43,360 (902)
10. NIC; 37,590 (650)
11. Diamond Trust; 34,262 (618)
12. Investment & Mortgages (I&M); 32,775 (767)
13. Prime; 17,088 (283)
14. Baroda; 16,070 (302)
15. Housing Finance; 12,942 (51)
16. Imperial 12,851 (350)
17. Bank of India; 10,960 (311)
18. Ecobank (formerly EABS); 9,474 (66)
19. Family Bank (formerly Family Finance); 9,278 (273)
20. Bank of Africa; 9,036 (76)
21. Fina; 8,729 (65)
22. Chase 8,497 (109)
23. K-Rep; 7,197 (4)
24. ABC 6,126 (82)
25. Habib Zurich; 5,931 (111)
26. Guardian; 5,530 (60)
27. Giro; 5,379 (67)
28. Southern Credit; 5,338 (11)
29. Development Bank (DBK); 5,165 (90)
30. Equatorial; 4,820 (46)
31. Consolidated; 4,228 (8)
32. Victoria; 3,988 (78)
33. Credit; 3,637 (53)
34. Habib Bank; 3,611 (70)
35. Fidelity; 3,590 (29)
36. Transnational; 3,224 (53)
37. Middle East; 3,106 (35)
38. Paramount Universal; 2,584 (22)
39. Gulf African; 2,529 (-138) * #
40. Oriental; 1,809 (26)
41. Dubai; 1,518 (26)
42. City Finance; assets of 522 million [$7.8 million], (profit of 11 [$164,000])
43. First Community -- (--) * #
* New bank
# Shariah bank

Same time last year had Barclays, KCB, StanChart as the top three, Co-op ahead of CFC, NBK wer 6th, CBA ahead of Citi, and Equity were 9th


Anonymous said...

great info banks,

what of the growth rates?
which banks on the list are expanding their capital and profits fastest, in comparison to last year?

coldtusker said...

Banks: As you mentioned/commented on my blog about Ecobank's Rights+New Issue Offer...

What Ecobank is raising (US$2.5 billion) in new capital is equal to BBK's entire asset base.

coldtusker said...

Do the assets of DTBK include Uganda & Tanzania?

What % of DTU and DTT does DTBK own?

I will have to give you a paper version of the 2006-7 KPLC report. Let me see if I can find a soft copy.

kainvestor said...

@banks: thanks for the info.

@just what?: Equity bank is the fastest growing bank in terms of both capital and profit. their capital base was ksh.29 billion in the last ranking, its now ksh.70 billion (a 141% jump). I see it in the top five in next years ranking.

bankelele said...

just what?: growth rates, coming up next

Coldtusker: D-Trust are just the Kenyan bank, not the group assets.
I can't believe how believe how big Ecobank is (and i see the Economist has a cautionary tale on Nigerican banks -

coldtusker said...

ka: Equity Bank's assets are 70bn (according to Bankelele) not its capital. $1bn in capital would catapult it to #1... maybe it will be there by 2010.

Ecobank is not Nigerian though Nigeria is a large part of its business. Ecobank (ETI) has subsidiaries in many African countries including Kenya.

Anonymous said...

Kenyan bloggers should check ot my latest post and fill out the contact details A.S.A.P

Anonymous said...

The list is a good start - but it presents more questions than answers.

Size is not necessarily equal to stability and/or performance.

Loans are assets to banks - until they fail to perform.

Like someone said.. better do a year on year analysis of something (e.g. growth in profits, assset vs liabilities, dividends, pe ratio ect).

To me the curent list is just meaningles data.

But it's a start!

Anonymous said...

Off topic as usual.. Here's Quick one on telecomms industry...

Contrary to earlier sentiments, Zain is now the BIGGEST threat to safcom. Much worse than France Telcom. Reason?

Kuwait = oil money = unlimited funds = unfair competition.

Whats worse, they seem to be focusing on increasing their dominance in Africa.

Losses won't mean anything to these guys. They will draw everyone into a price war and choke competition with negative margins. If it's marketshare they want, marketshare they will get. Probably at all costs!

If I was Michael Joseph, I would get my legal team together QUICKLY to lobby in parliament for Anti-trust and Fair competition and local investment protection laws.

MJ Better "Checkmate them" before they make a move - otherwise the brown stuff's gonna hit the fan sooner than we think... possibly when MJ is on an official trip out of the country like last time (I must admit - that was funny!)...

MJ watch out!!

Anonymous said...

if you check the group results for KCB you'll find there total assets are greater than those of BBK.

Anonymous said...

How exactly does analyzing the size of banks in kenya help your bottom line?

Just curious

Anonymous said...

thank you, for preparing the compilation...going by the published results, KCB should be no. 1: 171,414m [3,501m] and Equity should be no. 5: 72,485m [3,087m]

3 locals in top 5!

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Bank of Africa is that far down?

Echoing 'anonymous'. I'm slightly confused by the Barclays and KCB figures.

Anonymous said...

Southern Credit joins the capital raising bandwagon through private to watch!!

Anonymous said...

Mdomokali says...Not sure judging from dismal published results,serious NPL issues.


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