Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ecofade II

Part I

Econet Wireless fired off another long letter to the Minister for Information and Communications this week in addition to printing it (2 pages long, badly worded, with typos) in the Nation to explain why they have not rolled out almost two years since they were awarded the third mobile license.

The company which has a history of big talk blames red tape and invisible forces who have continued to manipulate the license process.

Econet's MD writes that they want (then) Minister Raphael Tuju to retract his unauthorised statement cancelling Econet's license and also wants the CCK to issue them with network codes. They claim CCK and various officers have been pushing them to renegotiate with KNFC (an entity who could not pay for 5% of their purpoted 82% ownership), and also lend money to KNFC to enable them to pay for their $12m portion of the license fee.

Econet claims to have already spent $40m on the process (also what happened to applied for jobs at Econet?

Air news

- Early Bird offer from Kenya Airways has round-trip flights to Mombasa at 5,000/= if you take the 6:45 a.m. flights.

- Kisumu Airport should reopen next week when repairs should be done.

- Qatar Air Cargo to serve Nairobi and Eldoret from next year.

December 9 Opportunities


Corporate affairs group leaders (2) at Celtel. apply to by 15/12

Internal audit manager at East African Portland cement. D/L is 22/12

East African tea trade association
- finance/investment analyst
- project management office director
Apply by 22/12 to

Power economist at the Electricity regulatory board. D/L is 29/12

Multi-lingual flight attendants at Kenya Airways - (both male and female) – fluent in Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, German, French and Portuguese aged 21 – 30 (in addition to the other similar flight crew requirements). D/L is 20/12 for applications to the group human resource director.

Director treasury at Kenya commercial bank. Apply through Hawkins associates

- education sales consultant
- middleware pre-sales consultant
More details their site and apply to by 15/12

Retail, sales & marketing - area business managers (2) at Shell. Apply to by 11/12

Urgent cargo
- chief operating officer
- general manager - freight
Apply to by 18/12


Aga khan foundation young development professional (YDP) program a 1 year leadership and management development program – accepting two streams this year (i) development management (ii) arts, media, or culture management web link here and deadline to is 20/12

Kenya Oil Company (Kenol) management trainees preferably who are fluent in Portuguese or Spanish. apply by 18/12 to the human resource manager.


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