Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Nairobi Shares Portfolio – May 2007

Be a vulture

The Portfolio review is being done a week earlier than expected as I usually try and update six months from last review.

However, in keeping in sync with other blogger portfolios recently released by Odegle Nyang and Riba Capital, here it is:

Current portfolio
Diamond Trust
Express Kenya
Kenya Commercial Bank
Sameer Africa
Stanbic Uganda
Total Oil
* Uchumi (suspended)

What’s changed?
There are fewer shares and portfolio has less value than before as I sold more shares than I bought back.

In: Stanbic (Uganda), Total
Out: Crown Berger, Kenya Airways, Kengen
Increased: Diamond Trust (Rights)
Reduced: -
Dividends expected: D-Trust, Express, KCB, Scangroup, Total
Unexpected gains/losses: Express bonus share, KCB share split
New listings not taken on: Access Kenya, Mumias (Rights)
Best performer: Stanbic (Ug)
Worst Performer: Sameer Africa
Looking forward to: Kenya Airways, Safaricom IPO

Performance Summary: The Motley Fool advises that investors should beat the share index to consider their returns a success. The NSE 20 share index is down 10% in the last six months while my portfolio is down 13% from November 2006.

I sold Kenya Airways shares at around 120/= and for the first time my portfolio does not have KQ shares. If the price continues to drop, I expect to buy some shares in this great company in the coming days, before they announce their year end results - which should have been finalized, but may be delayed by post-Cameroon events.


MainaT said...

Banks, its a balanced portfolio. Still don't understand the preference for Total over Kenol/Kobil unless its the the higher DPS-but Stan Chartered pays sh8.50+. I immobilised my share certificates from 2002-3 last Dec andd sold them off so I have started afresh this yr. I am up 3% on my own portfolio, but thats probably because I've stayed in the market through the lows so was able buy some stocks at lower prices. And off course i bought Equity Bank shars in Jan.

odegle said...

you have a larger portfolio than i expected. don't you normally find it sad that when its most ideal to buy is when you find money is 'missing'

What about the kiosk you mentioned some time back , doesn't that also count as part of your portfolio? i actually forgot to mention my sacco membership too (lol)

Jakarumba said...

Banks, Suprisingly we are in the same boat except two or three!!
I had once again thought of bloggers taking 'Stable Declaration' to another level the way odegle has put it, only that I wanted to ask if next time you could include Unit Trusts and if possible insurance plans, alongside Sacco membership. Personally I factor in my pension also!!
BTW, have you read about kenyans with saccos and insurance investment plans in

Unknown said...

Banks... interesting portfolio. Got rid of Sameer in Q2 last year, just before it really tanked... however I was up about 5% on it.. MSC has been my dog of late, despite being the Hercules last year boosting my portfolio up +17%. Anyway, looking good on EABL (surprised you don't have that in your book... you need some blue chips for stability), hoping my bet on KCB pans out... I came in after the split. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

I have tagged you!

bankelele said...

MainaT: Total has dividend. But I must say Kenol Kobil has made better moves to cope with the new energy systems & regulations than Total. I think I should also recalculate a year-to-date portfolio score

Odegle: Hope to make it bigger still. Kiosk is still on paper only unfortunately as is a real estate project planned for the year

Jakarumba: There's a fund with Pan Africa that I should mention, but no SACCO membership currently. As for pesnion, that is not easy to calculate, and it's best not to quantify it since I hope I won't need it for the next 20 - 30 years!

David: In 2006, I sold Sameer hight, and bought back low, so it's position (for me) is not that bad and I can afford to speculate there. I had EABL (read somewhere on my 'share regrets') before, but not looking at it this year

Anonymous said...

Its interesting to see what people have on their portfolios
here is mine
Stanbic Uganda -50% in terms of value, But if i looked at number of shares my shares in Kenya would pale,as i have( value again)
I have invested slightly over 800k in the last two years and portfolio now stands at 1.6M

I have about Ksh half a million in Cash in Kenya awaiting an appropriate IPO, was caught offside, to see the stock exchange correct after i had just send it.
Best performing is KCB followed by Stanbic Uganda and Equity.
Also have some South African High equity unit trust portfolio and my retirements is also a high equity portfolio here in SA.
i still pay rent and have no land assets.

Anonymous said...

psihjThey say that portfolio diversification should cut accross asset classes (shares / bonds / real estate / Money Markets)

Your risk tolerance determines where most of your money will lie.

Shares and Money markets have the highest risks and highest returns.


Anonymous said...

Please could we communicate via email please: imnakoya AT There is something I want to ask/share. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Imnakoya.. is that for me or somebody else.
At present iam happy with my risk exposue in the equity markets. However form next year i will be diversfying into land assets. I once liquidated my old mutual units trust to go into business in Kenya as i thought i could stomach the business. After two years of loss making i closed shop.. but i learnt a lot in terms of acceptable risks and staking out to try out on your own. i also learnt the risks in mechandise business as oppossed to service business.
i think imay have accumulated enough experience to sell my services as a consultant in three years time .You know being paid to tell people what they already know!!

pesa tu said...

We see eye 2 eye on TOTAL, have it in my portfolio. Here it is.


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