Beautiful city
-Silent improvements are taking place in Nairobi.
- Road and lane names signs which had all but disappeared years ago, have re-appeared even in estates. I now the names of roads in my local area, which I had never known before.
- The City has quietly fixed the traffic lights at University Way/Uhuru highway roundabout. These lights bore the brunt of stones whenever students rioted and have been off for many years. But it appears that since students are now more sober minded and less riot-prone, the lights have been re-activated – but bummer for me since that roundabout is now much slower to navigate. I have not seen any accidents there yet, but I can expect a few since matatus generally ignore traffic lights there and the City has not told motorists, who normally, zip through there at high speed, that they may have to now yield

- The Adopt-a-Light company has put up high flood lights (which they call slum lights) at the railway bus terminus, inside Uhuru park some parts of Mathare and Kibera which illuminate huge areas and improve security.