Safaricom Success.
Safaricom vs. Celtel
Am contemplating making my Celtel number my main line and downgrading Safaricom to secondary status, after switching to the new Celtel 24 S plan.
Celtel have, clearer calls, good products and service but their marketing has never been as good as Safaricom’s. Safaricom has often released products that are clone’s of Celtel with more fanfare and blitz, and capturing the consumer’s mind sense - such that everyone believes that Safaricom pioneered such products as sambaza (celtel had me2u first) and instant loading of airtime and checking of balances (also a celtel first). Safaricom has the right marketing mix, using colours, sheng, branding – e.g. bamba50, sambaza, as well as popular campaigns such as matatu poa. But one gripe I continue to have with Safaricom is the inability for international callers to get through to me.

Safaricom are quiet right now, but I would not be surprised if they are crunching their numbers, reverse engineering Celtel’s 24 S plan and will come up with their own plan that will offer the same service, but at a slightly cheaper rate.
Telkom modernizes
Starting today, anyone with a Telkom Kenya line in Nairobi or Mombasa will be able to
check their bill online.
The Road to Diani
Tourism Minister, and aspiring Coast king-pin, Morris Dzoro has announced that a new road will be built from
Mombasa airport to Diani Beach - bypassing the Island and Likoni ferry crossing.
EA Breweries
Turnover increased slightly from 18.4 to 19.7 billion shillings in the half year ended in December 2005. After tax profit increased from 3.08b to 3.32 billion and company will pay an interim dividend of Kshs. 1.75 per shares (‘04 was 1.5) to shareholders on 15th March. The company also earned 8.6 billion shillings in indirect tax for the government in the half-year (up from 8b).
US & Anglo Leasing
The day after Finance Minister David Mwiraria resigned, the People newspaper reported that one of the triggers of his departure was that the US Embassy in Nairobi has signalled that it would not grant him a visa to head a Kenyan delegation travelling to Washington DC to attend World Bank talks in February.
Broadband Kenya
Japan's Kyocera has announced the commercial introduction iBurst wireless broadband services to Kenya.
Safaricom already has something similar. Taifa Tariff for 28.50 per minute. Don't know if it's billed per second or not.
Thanks: I had forgotten about their Taifa tariff which I even used to be on a few years back.
I was thinking the same. Safaricom is pathetic when it comes to clarity; the bad thing is most of my pals are in Safaricom
We all know there is no honor among the honorable members so we did not believe the hoax that Mwiraria was stepping aside for investigations -fat chance that!
I gave up on Safaricom a long time ago Celtel is the way to go for me.
Guys this is great what they are doing although i still think the prices can generally be better especially for sms which i understand is a negligible cost to both of them.
What we should be clamaring for is more competition. The trend i observe is more convenience and cost cutting for the cutomer benefit - "The Customer is King"
i have no idea the difference between all these cell phone numbers in kenya. my peeps have cell phone numbers begining with 722, 733, 725, 724, and oneother that i forget off head. I have touble with all these calling from here. so are any of them the infamous safari com? u can reply to imarehinc@comcast.net
Does anyone here have a contact at CelTel? I'm interested in speaking to someone there, but not being in Kenya makes it difficult to connect to the right people.
Hey mobile users....how about buying airtime with your phone remotely and 24/7 without having to look for a shop or borrow money if you dont have...cool huh?
A local company (Proactive Systems) is set to launch such a service soon. email jnas@riversongs.tv for details.
its only for the pre paid subscribers.would you pay to use such a service?
I think Celtel are such a poor mimicks of Safaricom. Case and point is the current promotion where Celtel 'copy pasted' Safaricom's Nguruma promotion. Can we get some original ideas at Celtel???
You should improve the tarrifs as celtel is carring all my friends away and Iam also planning to so please hurry before it becomes the worst option
Safaricom is actualy not apreciating its customers only enjoying them by pretending to be giving them a better deal but just a row deal by consuming there credits without actualy following the tarrifs and second billing I alays top up and after a call I find out no credit left after two calls of less than a minute each. Complains imnjeru@yahoo.com
I totally agre that safaricom are good at marketing and they know how to convince their clients that they are the beter option. if safaricom wants us to roam can they please make the airtime accessible like celltell. I was in Dar es salam and to my suprise the vodacom airtime can not be loaded to safaricom and safaricom airtime are not common. Safaricom pull up your socks here.
After the rebrand,celtel, now zain, has beaten competition by offering the best rates accross networks. As of the moment, there is no better rate in the market, offering 8 shillings per minute accross all networks and 3bob to zain.
Safaricom is good in marketing.. so what I can not take their marketing with me when I go roaming outside, or can I? Clarity is poor, and worst is customer service. Even I use Celtel now as the primary and have downgraded Safaricom as my back-up number. In fact I am planning toplay the role of a responsible customer / citizen and I am going to surender my Safaricom number, even though many of my friends are on Safaricom, something that Safaricom has been exploiting for long. But what the heck... we all are sufering being exploited by pathetic after sales service from Safaricom, I am sure very soon I will have most of friends moved away from Safaricom.
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