Friday, January 27, 2006

January 27

bank jobs

- IT security manager: applicants should have university degree with 5 years banking experience, 2 in IT. Also possess CCNA and some security certification (CISSP, CISM, or Comptia+) in addition to good knowledge of Oracle and Swift systems. App to the divisional director, HR, P O Box 48400-00100 Nairobi by February 10
- Director – Marketing: Applicants should have MBA, a professional marketing qualification and 10 years marketing experience – 5 of which should be at banking, finance, FMGC or services-related organization. Apply through Hawkins associates at by 13 February

Apply for the vacant position of Managing Director at Housing Finance Company of Kenya (HFCK). Applicants should have MBA, 10 years banking experience, 5 leading a bank or major department of one. Apply through (ref MD/01.01) by February 10.

At the Growth Oriented Women Entrepreneurs (GOWE Kenya) program of the Private Enterprise Partnership for Africa (PEP Africa) at the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
- Program manager
- Business development officer
- Financial analyst
Details at their site and apply be February 7.

World Bank
The application window for summer internships closes on January 31.

financial jobs
Oserain Development Company
- Accountant: must have business degree and be fully qualified accountant with 3 years experience.
- Assistant accountant; must have business degree, at least CPA 2 and a years experience.
Apply to by February 10.

Financial Controller - farming division. Applicants should have CPA (K) and good knowledge of pastel & tally accounting systems. Apply to group human resource manager, P O Box Kenya 32931-00600 by February 15.

Kenya Orient Insurance
- Branch Managers: Applicants should be aged 30 – 35, have business degree and 3 years marking experience, preferably with insurance company. Apply to

sales & marketing (40 opportunities) at Nairobi Bottlers. Apply to by February 2.


Firms are invited to set up restaurants, fast food outlets, ATM facilities Forex bureau, cold storage, curios, petrol stations shopping malls or other businesses at Moi International Airport - Mombasa. Apply to the Airport Manager, MIA, P O Box 93904 Mombasa.

Petrol/Oil sector

- Somken: Somken are selling 45 petrol stations located in prime urban areas such as Nairobi and Mombasa. Send bids to by February 18.
- Kenol: Results are now out for the financial year ended in September 2005. Turnover was up from 34.5 to 41.7 billion shillings and after-tax profit rose from 839m (8.20 EPS) to 916 million shillings (8.92 EPS). The company will pay a first and final dividend of 2.25 shillings per share after their AGM on March 28.
- Shell/BP
Over a year ago I complained to Shell Kenya about the diesel fuel sold at one of their stations that is now closed.

Other News
- Western Union is for sale: it is being spun off by the parent company.
- Newspaper inflation On the same Saturday early this month, both the Standard and the Nation raised the price of their Saturday editions from 35 to 40 shillings.
- Kenyan Pundit suggests that someone should investigate the procurement/source of Alco-blow gadgets
- Things fall apart. The managing director of the booming Panari Hotel has resigned
- The Economist writes aboutcorruption in Kenya
- After a year’s silence John Githongo has returned.
- Richard Leakey argues that for wildlife (and the Kenya tourism sector) to survive the current drought, national park boundaries should be flexible to enable animals to migrate out of parks in search of water and food.


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