Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Media Absurdities

(Un)licensed Broadcasts?
At night and when they have no programs, local TV stations turn on their satellite remote controls and beam programs from DSTV (satellite service) - Nation TV will broadcast the Cartoon channel in the morning and Turner Classic Movies at, KBC will broadcast BBC news early in the morning, STV broadcasts Sky News (UK) about 20 hours a day, KTN and Citizen broadcast CNN overnight, and sometimes Metro will broadcast a week-old UK premiership soccer game. [sometimes the satellite fails and you get to see the black screen as the decoder tries to re-connect with the signal]

Hatuta Chill
While NACADA (National Campaign Against Drug Abuse) and religious leaders have gone out and shut down alcohol and cigarette outdoor advertising around schools (which kids don't notice) and all over Nairobi, they seem oblivious to the fact that kids get so much stimulation and are addicted to daily music video shows on Nation, KTN, Citizen, KBC and 24-hours on East Africa television channels that have disturbing images and lyrics.

Jackson Case
While US media stations don’t name names, Sky News uses the name of Michael Jackson’s accuser and past accusers’ each time they cover the day’s events.

Soap Craze
American sopas have been replaced by South American soaps which are being replaced by locally-produced Swahili soaps. But the Nigerian soaps on Sunday afternoon are to weird - with witchcraft, forced sex, actual wife-beating etc. scenes actually broadcast.


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