The following Banks stocks are listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. Most of them peaked early in 2004, and are now trading at/or near their 12 month low’s. The numbers’ do not take into account the dividends that banks usually pay in profitable years. Data obtained from African Financial Markets website.
12 months high low and year end prices (numbers in Kenya shillings, and average exchange rate was 75 shillings to the US$ in 2004)
Barclays high: 321 (month: Feb) low 186 (month: Apr) 200 (closing price on 31/12/04)
CFC 65 (Feb) 33 (jan) 58
Diamond Trust 49 (Jan) 25 (Sept) 28
HFCK 19 (Jan) 8 (Dec) 8.5
KCB 91(Jan) 50 (Sept) 64
NBK 35(Feb) 13 (Jan) 18
NIC 67(Jan) 40 (Apr) 50
Stanchart 245(Feb) 120 (Apr) 122